Friday, November 12, 2010

Reasoning by Analogy

Reasoning by analogy:
If you don't study you will not pass.  Therefore, since you did not study this week, you will not pass.
Sign Reasoning:
Where there is fire, there is smoke nearby.
Casual Reasoning:
For the Lakers to be successful, Kobe Bryant will be the cause with his extremely talented skills.
Reasoning by Criteria:
How do you know what you have accomplished in life is worth while?  Lets discuss the criteria.
Reasoning by Example:
Do you study enough in school to help your grades?  My friend studies 25 hours a week and is a Straight A student.
The moon comes up everynight in the sky.  Therefore, the moon will come up tommorrow also.
Premise 1:  All sports are hard.
Premise 2:  Football is a sport.
Conclusion:  Therefore, football is hard.

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